Sunday, December 23, 2012

Is LIFE tuning us...

A master violinist taught a few handpicked students at his place. While taking lessons, the students often wondered, what was it that made their master’s violin sound unique? All of them used the violin made by the same craftsman in the town.
One day, in his master’s absence, a student decided to uncover the hush-hush. In that effort he discovered that the tuning of the violin was different those of the students. In a fit of bitterness he tightened one of the violin pegs to such an extreme that the string broke. Afraid of the consequences he hurried home. The next day after the class the master had tete-a-tete with this boy. The master admired the boy’s quest to find out the secret. The boy learnt that day, that the key to the tuning was to tune it to the right degree. If the peg wasn’t tightened enough the string would be too feeble to express his emotions and if it was turned to the other extreme the string would succumb under the tension.

Is life tuning us every moment like the master’s violin? And are we trying to undo this by withdrawing into our safe zones?


Mythili K.S. said...

yes, life tunes us every moment, and if it find us tuned enough, it may even try to fine tune us. It's up to us to utilize the tuning effects life offers by taking things as they come. Then our life would move close to a constant state of fine tuning.

Mythili K.S. said...

Life does tune us every moment. sometimes it even tries to finetune us when it has found that we are already tuned. Taking everything as it comes keeps us close to a constant tuned state as the strings of the violin of life then would be neither very loose nor very tight.