Saturday, February 23, 2013

What It Really Takes To Be Inspiring

The three core behaviors or traits of deeply inspiring people:

1)   They have forged their own authentic path — taken a hard, unpaved road that goes against the grain and demanded a tremendous show of guts, strength, commitment, and perseverance

In other words, these people have taken a brave, new direction and are living full-out what they talk about, study and research.  They are the true embodiment of courage and fortitude in the face of opposition, criticism, judgment, and what sometimes seem to be unbeatable odds.  They don’t just talk about what they’re fascinated by – they’re immersed in it and exude it, body and soul.

2)  They are supremely  “other-focused”  – they derive an enormous sense of satisfaction and reward – and spend most of their professional time and energy — helping other people, or organizations and enterprises, grow and flourish

These individuals aren’t just talking about what they’ve done – they’re focused on turning their “mess” into a “message” or helping others succeed and overcome the deep challenges out there in the way of greater success, fulfillment, peace, contribution, and progress.

3)  They are riveting storytellers –

These inspiring leaders and ground-breakers spend their time sharing and demonstrating something very different from the same old platitudes and principles we’ve heard over and over.  From their individual set of traumas, experiences, longings, failures, triumphs, and histories, they have a unique way of looking at the world, and they share their special vision through powerful stories that pluck at our heartstrings and stimulate our thinking and our emotions in ways that literally no one else can.


After all, we believe what we see.  To be inspired by another is to be reminded that what stirs us so deeply about someone else is, in fact, possible within ourselves.

Source: Kathy Caprino... Forbe post


sandeep said...

Good Morning prabha ji happy week ahead. :)

Unknown said...

Good evening had a happy weekend and back to usual work...Couldnt talk to you much as u were busy..:)

sandeep said...

Good evening parbha ji, i thought u were staying that i thought i can speak, but later i came to know u where left to mysore same day.

Markets have been disturbed i dont think i this good sign. i saw your Picture of GCI MT4 i felt today it market acted as the the graph what you posted.

Thank god I was determined to start trade this week but the markets ups and down made me to stay away.

Unknown said...

Gm SANDEEP...Market will be volatile... due to less... afterr the budget add your positions...

As my inlaw had an appiontment... i had to reach Mysore on the same day...We will meet some day...:)

sandeep said...

Good afternoon prabha ji,
Silently watched the market today, a big fall in many of the shares, i didnt bought any was the day for you ji,

(JP associates and BHEL are taken long ago at 76 and 220 levels) couldn't able to cover till date

Unknown said...

jp associates is on the verge of reversal... and bhel too...have patience... do not add more... only after a reversal add more... i think we are on the verge of another small reversal...

sandeep said...

Good morning prabha ji yes i feel the JP is at reversal and has good support. and now i am just watching the things how they are working and doing only paper trades.